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Still the primary source of cooling appliances in India, ceiling fans is an integral part of almost every Indian household. There are said to be over 400 million ceiling fans across India.

In recent times, the growing demand for energy has sparked energy crisis in India and across the world. This in turn has stimulated the demand for energy efficiency and conservation techniques from micro to macro level. Further, apart from increasing the overall energy generation, there have also been calls for integrating energy efficiency and conservation techniques in basic domestic electrical appliances. Among the domestic electrical appliances, ceiling fans are the major source of electricity consumption in India as well as in other warmer areas like Pakistan, Brazil, China, USA, Australia, etc.

Conventional ceiling fans use single phase of induction motors for producing mechanical energy required for rotational motion. This has contributed to a large chunk of residential electricity consumption. It is estimated that electrical energy consumed by such fans alone will rise to about 9% of total domestic share in the coming days. Experts affirm that energy demand can be reduced to about 75% by replacing single-phase induction motors with multi-purpose permanent magnet brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motors.

PM BLDC motor run fans provide high torque comparable to single-phase induction motors at significantly reduced power. This reduction will have a quantifiable impact on the overall domestic energy demand and promote energy efficiency culture on domestic scale, which is something extremely critical in India.

Let us study in brief what is Regular Conventional Fan and what is BLDC motor fan.


Regular ceiling fans are conventional ceiling fans built with an AC induction motor (ACIM), that typically consumes around 75W (some older ones are said to consume 90W).

What makes them disadvantageous are:

• 80 year old technology that has become synonymous with inefficiency. This breeds coil burning and unstable speed.
• Does not serve the primary purpose of the ceiling fan-thermal comfort. The air-delivery is reduced to meet the low power consumption requirement.
• Consumes more power even than the fridge. They are the 2nd highest power consumer after the AC.


BLDC (stands for Brushless DC Motors) motor is a synchronous motor powered by a DC electric source that uses an integrated inverter power supply to produce an electrical signal to drive the motor.

BLDC motor fans, rated BEE 5-star rated ceiling fans, vastly reduce the electricity consumption and conserve more power than the regular ones.


When talking about the difference, it is interesting to note the wide variance in power consumption and power savings between the two fans, within two years (within the first 15 months).

Below table gives an indication regarding the speed of the fan between the traditional one’s and the one’s with the BLDC motors.


The speed of the Fan BLDC Motor Fans Traditional Ceiling Fans


6 Watts 16 Watts
2 10 Watts 27 Watts
3 14 Watts 45 Watts
4 19 Watts 55 Watts
5 28 Watts 75 Watts

The above table clearly reveals that the BLDC motor fans consume less power per varied category of watts, when compared to the traditional ceiling fans.

Factoring the above power consumption into account, it is interesting to note as to how much money the BLDC motor fans can save in the long run. That can be understood from the below table.


This table shows the difference in the amount of recovery in the cost of the two fans.

Regular Fan BLDC Motor Fan
Approximate Cost ₹ 1600 ₹ 3300
Consumption of power 75 Watts 28 Watts
Hourly Consumption 0.075 units 0.028 units
Daily Consumption 1.125 units 0.42 units
Yearly Consumption 410.625 units 153.30 units
Costs (₹ 6 per unit) ₹ 2463.75 ₹ 919.80


What gives the BLDC motor fans the extra edge:

• Is inherently more efficient due to the elimination of rotor conductor losses, lower resistance winding and a flatter efficiency curve.
• Offers more precise speed control with higher power density that comes from the higher magnetic flux.
• Operates cooler, resulting in longer bearing and insulation life.
• Motor can be cooled by conduction, which means that it does not require any airflow for the internal cooling. This in turn implies that the motor parts have full protection from dirt and other foreign matter.
• Is electronically controlled for constant speed and power consumption. This results in constant speed and power consumption culminating in constant AIR DELIVERY that means there is no speed variation on voltage fluctuations ranging from 140-240 volts.
• Is extremely energy-efficient; switches on and off easily thanks to a remote control unit (inclusive of a Timer mode of 2 hours & Sleep mode to reduce speed at regular intervals) that comes with the fan (eliminates the need to get up at night to control the regulators). This will allow one to set a specific time-limit (number of hours) that reduces the speed of the fan gradually after the set-time while sleeping. This in turn helps save more electricity which can be seen in the amount of power it consumes at low speeds.
• Is a superior performer. A BLDC motor fan rotates at the same speed as the magnetic field produced by the stator windings (that is, a synchronous machine). This means that if the field is rotating at 1800 rpm, then the rotor turns at the same speed. On the other hand, a traditional fan with an AC induction motor (is referred to as an asynchronous machine) has a rotational speed that is slightly slower than the magnetic field’s speed. What happens is that it cannot produce torque as the rotor is constantly trying to catch-up with the magnetic field.
• Offers a wider speed range than AC induction fans. This is possible due to the lower operating temperature of the BLDC motor. On the other hand, an AC induction motor would likely overheat if operated at the comparable speed of the BLDC motor.
• Offers a higher flux density than a comparable induction motor fan. This means more power (torque) can be generated in a given physical size, or equal torque produced in a smaller package.
• Offers high durability and low electric noise generation, thanks to the lack of brushes. On the other hand, a traditional ceiling fan with brushes and commutator wears down as a result of continuous moving contact and also produces more sparks when contact is made (electric noise is a result of this).

A good example, statistically, is best illustrated in the fact that when a BLDC motor fan consumes 32 watt at full speed, it saves 60% power when compared to 80 watts of conventional ceiling fan with AC induction motor. Further, a BLDC motor fan has the added advantage of 4 watt consumption at the lowest speed regulation. That means for higher air delivery of 220 CMM it offers a service value of 6.87.

Finally, over a period of time, the BLDC motor fan is far more rugged, optimally utilizes its power, and spares no heat to generate, making it ideal for long-term use.

To sum it up, the synchronization of BLDC motors allows it to extract improved efficiency, dynamic performance, more precise control (this in turn can further extends battery life) and more precise speed control, all of which are critically vital when maintaining a draft or pressure set-point.


For a country like INDIA with a warm and hot climate, BLDC motor fans are the future. They are more efficient, consume less power, and are light on pocket.

A BLDC fan costs about the same as the regular premium fans but offers remote interface, longer warranty, stable and eco-friendly operation, and much more. More importantly, they will consume less than half the power of a regular ceiling fan (and premium fan), while delivering the same airflow and better comfort.

Though the BLDC technology makes the BLDC motor fans is expensively priced than the economy fans, the overall payback is better, with the higher initial purchase cost off-set by handsome electricity bill savings (reduces electricity consumption by an average of 65% per month). For instance, with a BLDC fan, you can earn Rs 2 per day in the form of electricity bill savings from day one. This will continue for the next 20 years with the amount multiplying each day of the next 20 years.

A single BLDC motor fan also helps eliminate 1 kg of CO2 emission every day, leading to a cleaner environment, purer climate and a safer future for the coming generations.

More excitement is in the offing with the coming months likely to witness another remarkable innovation in fan technology – HOT AIR COOL AIR TECHNOLOGY. This technology will allow a ceiling fan to deliver cool air in summers and hot air in winters. The summer-winter fan will reverse the flow of current and go clockwise as well, thus delivering cool and warm air as required.


If you’re looking to purchase BLDC motor fan, then look no more than SBMI Group based out of Hyderabad, India; this Group diversified portfolio comprises segments ranging from aluminum to fan manufacturing, and retail.

Its two divisions – Aditthya Appliances and Vab Industries, deal in fan and fan components and are major components and fan suppliers for OEM brands. While Aditthya Appliances is strategically located in Hyderabad, Vab Industries is strategically acquired in Goa.




Worldwide, vehicle mass reduction in the automotive industry has become a major objective. With every nation setting increasing fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emission targets for engine-powered vehicles, and the growing threat from the extended range of electric vehicles, automobile manufacturers are being driven to reduce vehicle mass.

As a result of mass-reduction opportunities in structural automotive appliances, demand for lightweight alloy castings like magnesium as component substitution, is growing at a rapid pace the world over.


Magnesium is one of the lightest and most pliable metals used in alloy die casting and machining today.

While pure magnesium on own is too volatile, combustible, and corrosive to be used in its purest form, it can be combined with other lightweight metals like aluminum to be die-cast into almost any shape or texture. Put together, they both offer excellent potential for thin-wall and complex structure formation, thus making them a leading choice for automotive industry which handles delicate works. Further, the attractive cost-to-material ratio of magnesium also makes it a favored choice for use in bulk machining work or mass production.


The 8th most abundant material on EARTH, Magnesium is the brightest and lightest of all structural materials which is what makes it a preferred material used in the die casting process; it is around 70% lighter than steel and 33% than aluminum. An excellent die cast material, it offers the perfect combination of light-weight, rigidity, and resistance to wear for diverse die cast part applications.


Magnesium components are between 40-60% lighter than steel designs. For example, a value cover weighs 2 kg less in magnesium than aluminum while it is 3 kg lighter than a plastic version. Thus, magnesium components provide a significant mass saving opportunity.


With magnesium components, more expensive (heavier) options are possible without changing the vehicle’s IWC. Typically, vehicles are sold with a range of expensive options since more expensive items return more profit to the OEM. These include multiple CD players, leather/reclining seating and so forth.

By adding a relatively low-cost magnesium component, the OEM can sell a heavier option that can return a higher profit.


Craftsmanship is what describes the vehicle’s fit and finish.

When compared to a typical steel instrument panel (IP), a one-piece magnesium die casting component improves craftsmanship by reducing the dimensional error that is normally associated with welding and joining of all of the elements that make-up the full IP structure (steering column brackets, radio, air conditioning, glove box, and so forth). Furthermore, one-piece magnesium IP will be sufficiently accurate to be used as a gauge to define the frontal vehicle dimension.


Automobile squeaks and rattles can bother customers.

In the case of a steel IP, many elements are assembled to make it up. On the other hand, in the case of magnesium IP, a single magnesium casting allows less room for manufacturing error and misfit. Thus, there are reduced chances for rubbing and vibration between the elements and ultimately reduced squeaks and rattles.


Just a single-piece magnesium die casting provides an enhanced ability to design for crash when compared to stamped and welded steel elements. This ability to cast-in ribs and add surface promotes controlled deformation during a sudden deceleration. Furthermore, the casting can also be designed to incorporate varied section thicknesses that can locally change stiffness and rigidity, wherein improved crash-response is needed.


Lighter vehicles can also be safer, since they will, be more maneuverable, can accelerate faster, and have shorter deceleration distances (with the same power-train configuration). Further, lighter elements (magnesium components) in a smaller vehicle can be deflected away from the driver and passenger(s) of a larger, heavier vehicle, in the event of any crash, which will reduce overall human damage.


Magnesium die cast components have the potential to drastically reduce manufacturing costs.

Some examples are:

  • Steel IP version has 37 elements, whereas magnesium IP has only 6 elements. This reduces the overall tool requirements and complexity (in the steel IP fabrication, a tool and gauge is needed for each element)
  • Rigid one-piece magnesium beam can eliminate the need for a separate cross-bar beam to connect the ‘A’ pillars.
  • Magnesium parts are easier to handle and manipulate during vehicle assembly.
  • Magnesium die castings allow packaging improvements. For instance, magnesium IP allows air conditioning ducts, air bag housing, instrument clusters, etc, to be cast in place, when compared to the stamped and welded architecture of a steel IP.

Apart from the above, the benefits of using magnesium die cast components in the vehicles are compelling as can be masked out from the following revelations.

  • Offers the best strength-to-weight ratio of any commonly used structural metal.
  • Offers component and feature integration with a high-dimensional stability that improves fit and finish.
  • Offers excellent dimensional stability with high-impact and dent resistance.
  • Has low weight; weight of only 1.8 g/cm3 (a reduction of 33% compared to 2.7 g/cm 3 of aluminum).
  • Offers exceptional dampening capacity and low-inertia. This makes it ideally suitable for parts that undergo frequent and sudden changes in motion direction, so predominant in automobiles.
  • Can be die-cast into single, thin-walled structures rather than assembled from several components. They help automotive designers and engineers in simplifying designs; and eventually minimize or reduce machining and assembly costs.
  • Has a consistent and predictable shrink rate which in turn ensures minimal distortion or casting stress.
  • Has low heat content which means less energy is needed to reach casting temperatures. This way, castings cool quicker so cycle times are faster.
  • Requires fewer joints, fasteners, and welds.
  • Is extremely cost-effective. Just one pound of magnesium typically replaces three pounds of ferrous metals and two pounds of aluminum. This results in dramatic weight savings without compromising safety while the resultant fuel savings can lower the operating costs of the vehicle over its lifetime and reduce emissions.
  • Is 100% recyclable.

With the advantage of greater strength, stability, and rigidity along with inherent EMI/RFI shielding, durability, heat-dissipation, and full recyclability features, magnesium remains the most preferred die-casting alloy for the automotive industry.

In addition, lower temperatures and low affinity for iron reduces the effects of thermal fatigue and erosion on dies so they last longer. Moreover, the newer high purity magnesium alloys can deliver better corrosion resistance than carbon, steel, and even some aluminum alloys.

Overall, the major benefit of using magnesium die castings in automotive applications is weight-reduction, through both part replacement and compounding mass savings due to downsizing. Further, it also facilitates significant part reduction through consolidation and integration of functional and design features into one cast component.

Once limited to electronic components and portable tools, today magnesium is widely used in the automotive industry with the ability to produce complex castings (that are structural and safe). This reduces the weight of the vehicle and eventually, their fuel consumption. More importantly, it is favored by many designers, engineers, and manufacturers for its strength-to-weight ratio, that has been often cited as the best of any commonly used structured metal.

In the automotive industry, the most common use today for magnesium diecast alloy components is in high-performance cars. Being lightweight, and aerodynamically smooth, it can be fitted to most frames easily. Cutting-edge sports cars frequently incorporate light-alloy components and shell castings to cut down on weight and increase vehicle speed and fuel efficiency.

Mass reduction in weight means lighter weight vehicles are more fun to drive as well as more nimble and responsive which moves the mass center of the vehicle (its center of gravity) rearward.

Magnesium die cast light alloy casing is also environmentally friendly. By ensuring the same and facilitating increased fuel efficiency, it helps to significantly reduce CO2 emissions per vehicle.


The past decade has seen the automotive industry increasing its use of magnesium die cast components at a rapid pace. With the clamor for fuel-efficient and lighter vehicles growing, the rate of demand for and growth of magnesium die cast components is only expected to get better

The only drawback will be that magnesium alloys, even though being amongst the lightest structural materials available, cost more per unit mass than competing materials like steel and aluminum. This is where the automotive industry will be reluctant to pay a premium for weight saving.


If you’re looking to purchase aluminum components, then look no further than SBMI Group based out of Hyderabad, India; this Group diversified portfolio comprises segments ranging from aluminum and magnesium to fan manufacturing, and retail.

One of its division, Sri Balaji Metal Industries, is a leading high-performance; high-quality aluminum and magnesium ingot manufacturer (one of the biggest non-ferrous alloy manufacturers in SOUTH INDIA); it presently manufactures 35+ different grading GDC & PDC alloys.

The company’s magnesium die-cast casting components offer easy machinability, good thermal and electrical conductivity, thin-wall and complex parts applications, noise and vibration dampening, finishing, and above all, full recycling capability.

The company’s extensive portfolio of aluminum and magnesium components also offers superior mechanical properties that meet specific & stringent quality criteria requirements, thereby catering to the overall customer-satisfaction. All the magnesium alloys undergo stringent quality checks to match the complex compositions & specifications of the customer.

You can count on SRI BALAJI METAL INDUSTRIES to meet all of your metal requirements!!!!!


According to INDIA Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) report, INDIA is currently the fourth largest automobile market and the seventh largest automotive manufacturer in the world. It is expected to become the world’s third largest auto market by 2021. The past seven years has seen an increased annual production of vehicles by one million, culminating in four million vehicles last year (that is, 2019). The market is expected to get stronger by the day, both with regard to domestic demand and exports, backed by the presence of established domestic and international Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).

The past few years has also seen continuous regulatory pressures to stop environmental hazards associated with internal combustion engines (ICEs) coupled with the availability of advanced technologies for electric power-trains and storage systems (batteries, etc) to facilitate better functionalities and enhanced demand for electric vehicles (EVs) worldwide.

The Indian auto industry too likewise has been gravitating towards EVs and other sustainable options, with the availability of low-cost lithium-ion batteries and such likes. The Government initiatives too are encouraging the use of EVs and build INDIA into an R&D hub, with incubation centres for start-ups working in the EV space.


A passenger vehicle (PV) is referred to as a motor vehicle with at least four wheels and where no more than eight seats are allowed in addition to the driver’s seat for transporting the passengers. Generally, CARS are considered as passenger vehicles.

In INDIA, the small and mid-sized cars hold the highest position in terms of sales of the PV industry. The Indian PV industry as per market reports is said to have recorded a market-share of 12.9% until June, 2020. In exports, out of the total automobile exports of 4.77 million, PV accounted for 677,340 vehicles until JUNE, 2020. The PV sales are also said to have increased manifold since the relaxation of COVID-19 lockdown in July, 2020, a testament to the heightened consumer reluctance for shared-mobility and public transportation.


Though still fluid, India is witnessing the most fundamental shake-up of the automotive and mobility sector ever. Mobility is evolving from car ownership to varied hues ranging from shared mobility to ride sharing, and even other modes of transport.


India will see a gradual shift to electric vehicle adoption which will be led by three-wheelers. A joint-research by KPMG and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) expects India to see a gradual, phased adoption of electric vehicles. The market penetration is expected to be the fastest in the three-wheeler (3W) segment followed by electric-buses; two-wheelers; and finally, passenger vehicles.

Electric cars will be the way forward considering that India will see stricter fuel emission norms in the coming years. They will offer lower operating costs when compared to conventional internal combustion engines. Moreover, on average, they are 75-80% cheaper from a fuel and maintenance perspective as well.

Currently, the growth is stifled by a limited number of products, high prices, insufficient battery promise, low performance, and an under-developed charging eco-system. However, newer inventions in the battery and charging technology will likely eliminate any hiccups and ultimately change the perspective of EV penetration in India.

Along the way, there have been some good tidings as more and more OEMs take to sustainable mobility recognizing that the future is all about electric mobility.

The Governments at the centre and states are encouraging growth of EV infrastructure through implementation of initiatives under FAME schemes I & II. Likewise, the EV industry too has been growing and the domestic sales were reported to be up by 20% despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Industry experts reckon that there is a dire need for a strategic transition plan for the Indian automobile industry to sustain the growth of the electric vehicles segment. This in turn they believe will allow the phased implementation of electric mobility milestones in INDIA while also offering the opportunity for ICE and electric vehicles to coexist in the years ahead and facilitate a smoother transition towards sustainable mobility.
This way, India can move towards a clean transport and mobility system and bring about self-sufficiency in renewable energy.

Increased use of EVs could reduce CO2 emissions by 37%; help curtail India’s dependence on oil imports and lower its massive import bills; and most importantly, enable India to meet its global commitments (lower carbon emissions and increase cleaner sources of energy and transportation, including the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change & EV30 @ 30).

In the event of large-scale EVs manufacturing, the mechanical components will be replaced with electrical and electronic components. This will entail a major shift in skills. This means augmenting jobs and growing the economy. The Central Government’s aim of converting ICE automobiles by 2030 would need a large number of skilled professionals; the percentage of skills from the mechanical side is currently high while those from the electrical side which is essential for EV transition is not so good.


Shared mobility will be another big thing in India’s passenger vehicle market.

As per a survey report, private vehicle use has significant implications on land requirements for parking in India. For instance, in Delhi, parking accounts for 8-10% of the available land pool. Further, growth in vehicle ownership and demand for transportation is also leading to higher congestion in urban centres. More alarmingly, the cost of congestion is estimated to be Rs 1.47 lakh crore annually in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Bangalore, with vehicular emissions rates increasing with negative implications on human health and the environment.

This is where a transition to shared mobility will greatly help address the growing challenges. This shift will enable efficient asset utilization by transitioning from a model of vehicle ownership of private vehicles to usership of shared vehicles.

Survey reports predict that shared mobility has the potential to displace passenger vehicle ownership, and unlock a transportation future that is more affordable, efficient, clean and reliable. Already India is well-positioned to embrace shared mobility with factors in its favor like familiarity with shared-service, strong digital infrastructure, and a vibrant entrepreneurial culture.

According to a Morgan Stanley report, INDIA is expected to be a leader by 2030 as rising share of electric and autonomous vehicles will improve shared mile economics. The report also notes that INDIA offers all the right ingredients to be one of the largest shared-mobility markets in the world thanks to its large population clusters; a young demographic that is well-connected to the internet; and rising real incomes. By 2030, INDIA will likely see shared miles to reach 35% of all the miles travelled in INDIA which will further increase to 50% by 2040.

Auto maker HYUNDAI has already launched a new shared mobility service in India in collaboration with OLA in 2020. It promises to introduce 44 new electrified vehicles across the globe as well by 2025. Further, HYUNDAI in a strategic partnership with OLA and KIA Motors Corporation will collaborate on unique fleet and mobility solutions, build India-specific electric vehicles and infrastructure as well as nurture best-in-class opportunities and offerings for aspiring driver-partners on the OLA platform.

The collaboration will also see the automaker operate and manage fleet passenger vehicles, while also offering OLA drivers financial services, including lease and installment payment as well as vehicle maintenance and repair services.


Currently there is an intense competition between traditional taxi companies and ride-hailing services fuelled by a new wave of new companies entering the market worldwide including India. The companies providing ride-hailing services are gravitating from providing traditional taxi services to services that can be booked via apps (eg – ride pooling). This makes the whole process more transparent for customers.

Massive investments of automotive manufacturers in ride-hailing services will fuel the growth of this segment in the coming years.

In INDIA, for instance, EVERA Cabs, an all-electric cab aggregator, is already providing this service in Delhi-NCR region in the form of app-based service (operating primarily on a B2C model). The whole service approach is to not only provide electric mobility, but also offer the customers an enhanced ride-hailing experience. Another ride-hailing service provider, Prakriti E-Mobility partnering with RideCell is providing the same facility in New Delhi and later looking to expand it to Tier-2 cities like Indore, Jaipur, Chandigarh, and so on. The company at the same time is also looking to expand its fleet of passenger vehicles to 5000 cars in the next 2 years, helped by partnership with TATA.

The challenge will be on the infrastructure side. By this, it is meant that if someone has a TATA car, the same cannot be charged on say a NISSAN or MG or Mahindra charger; it has to be done on a TATA charger only. This means that every vehicle provider will need to provide their own charging mechanism. When the number of such vehicles grows, there will be the problem of land space which needs to be addressed quickly since it is not possible to have five different charging mechanisms deployed in one charging station.


Considered as an alternative to owning or leasing a vehicle, VEHICLE SUBSCRIPTION mobility model refers to a service where a customer pays a recurring fee for the right to use one or more automotive vehicles. While some vehicle subscriptions offer insurance and maintenance as part of the subscription fee, other subscriptions allow the subscriber to switch between different passenger vehicles during their subscription period.

Under this mobility model, the customers can also set-up the subscription online and manage it vide a Smartphone app. In turn, the customer will enjoy benefits like access to a range of vehicles on-demand; flexibility of time-frames, with the ability to change cars more frequently than that is possible with leasing or buying; lower credit requirements; cost savings, with no down payments or financial charges; and easier contractual obligations.

The main plank of this model is to deliver additional options that are closer to a person’s lifestyle desires. It has in a short span of time proven to be highly popular with millennial ‘s who will represent 40% of the car buying market by the end of 2020 and who greatly prefer to own an experience without owning the asset and who give priority to convenience. In INDIA, major automaker MARUTI SUZUKI is offering subscription-based ownership services. HYUNDAI Motor India is another automaker offering the same, albeit a subscription-based car sharing model with REVV, targeting a set of customers who are looking at smart mobility. Overall, the demand for this model is the highest in Bangalore, followed by Mumbai, Hyderabad, and then Delhi-NCR; the average age of the customer are in the 26-30 age bracket with a salary of up-to Rs 100,000.

Market experts see not just millennials opting for this mobility model, but also others like Convenience Seekers looking to avoid the hassle of vehicle insurance registration; Prime Buyers looking to change cars very early and frequently; and Sub-Prime Buyers who don’t have the capital to finance but want to avail different options.


Connectivity mobility makes mobility much easier, safer, and more convenient. Made possible by digitization, it is creating newer possibilities through the connectivity of smart devices and the introduction of online services and apps in the car vehicle. This facilitates seamless integration that removes the borders between mobile and immobile living spaces. Preferences and individual settings of devices will be seamlessly transferred to the vehicle.

Major automaker BMW is currently working the same on its BMW & MINI Motorrad vehicle categories. One of its concepts involves the evaluation of sensor-data which enables the vehicles in front to predict critical traffic situations before they lead to a dangerous situation for subsequent drivers. Likewise, data from infrastructure could also be used for more safety and convenience. In INDIA, Maruti Suzuki is working on the same and so is HYUNDAI India. They believe that India is just starting to see the penetration of connectivity in cars. Going forward will see standardization coming in for the sake of data privacy and security which will introduce a boom in the space.


Thanks to COVID-19, 2020 has altered consumer preferences and safety while ushering in a new era of mobility. This means that the ‘NO SHARE’ vehicle segment will expand in India, leading to higher passenger vehicle sales. The share of vehicles priced below Rs 7 lakhs, which have been declining in the last five years, will according to market experts, see a reversal with positive demand ahead. Another segment that is likely to see a big rise in demand will be the used car market. However, both of these scenarios will largely depend on when the COVID-19 vaccine will be approved and made accessible to the general public in sufficient quantity.

Market experts believe that automakers will need to factor in the health concerns of the consumers and engage more with and also facilitate collaboration within OEMs, Tier 1, start-ups, and other technology partners, in a bid to come up with better features that monitors health and wellness. Likewise, OEMs will need to brace themselves to cater to the fast pace of transformation taking place in the automotive sectors by providing smart, safe and affordable products.

The Government too needs to be more proactive, and come up with still more policies that is positively towards EVs. This will help India to transit from a global leader in 2W and 3w internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle manufacturing to a global EV leader in 2W & 3W manufacturing.


Market analysts believe that while COVID-19 has caused a lot of disruption and fuelled fears about shared mobility and ride-hailing mobility options, it has also accelerated the growing momentum towards personal mobility. With disposable incomes going up, there is greater willingness among the people to invest in big buys like cars which means they want to own a car which offers them safe mobility.

There is also a growing belief among the market analysts that the future will see not just be about providing new auto products but also offering ample variety and options to the customers, whatever the fuel choice – petrol or diesel or electric; and engine options – turbo and so on. The customers will be willing to buy and it will be up to the OEMs to cater to their precise demands.

Overall, 2021 is forecast by market analysts to be a year for recovery, transition, and expansion for the Indian automobile industry as it forays ahead to be among the world’s top three automobile markets. The tremendous opportunities created by major disruptions like changing consumer preferences; rapidly-growing digitization; Government reforms; and new vehicle business models will compel automakers to adapt and change with times in order to get ahead in the competitive market of automobiles.

If you’re looking to purchase aluminum components, then look no further than SBMI Group based out of Hyderabad, India; this Group diversified portfolio comprises segments ranging from aluminum / manganese components to fan manufacturing, and retail.

One of its division, Sri Balaji Metal Industries, is a leading high-performance; high-quality aluminum and magnesium ingot manufacturer (one of the biggest non-ferrous alloy manufacturers in SOUTH INDIA); it presently manufactures 35+ different grading GDC & PDC alloys.

The company’s magnesium die-cast casting components offer easy machinability, good thermal and electrical conductivity, thin-wall and complex parts applications, noise and vibration dampening, finishing, and above all, full recycling capability.

Overall, the company’s extensive portfolio of aluminum and magnesium components offers superior mechanical properties that meet specific & stringent quality criteria requirements thereby catering to the overall customer-satisfaction. All the alloys undergo stringent quality checks to match the complex compositions & specifications of the customer.

There are three more divisions –

Sree Padmavati Metal Industries, which has one of the biggest aluminum dross processing unit (a one of a kind state-of-the-art facility) that processes aluminum dross and recover metal.

Gaglani Die Casting deals in High-Pressure Die Casting and aluminum pressure die cast components.

Sree Tirumala Industries which has a state-of-the-art component machining facility with own R&D centre.

You can count on these companies to meet all of your aluminum metal requirements!!!!!


Ever since automobile first came into being, body materials ranging from steel, iron and other metals to plastics, composites, and even wood have been jockeying for the position of the main structural material of the automobile. A few decades back, aluminum joined the race and very soon with its superior properties and characteristics, became a favored choice of automobile makers. Today, it is touted as the material of choice for advanced, next-gen vehicles from electrics to pick-up trucks.

Steel however continues to be the world’s most important and useful engineering material. What makes it so is it is highly ductile, malleable, tensile, corrosion-resistant, and above all, sports a shiny luster. When alloyed with small amounts of other metals, steel can acquire any characteristic that is needed. As far as metal consumption is concerned, steel continues to be the numero-uno, with China alone accounting for over 50% of global steel production.

On the other hand, Aluminum is a soft and lightweight metal with a dull-silvery appearance that stems from a thin layer of oxidation forming quickly when exposed to air. Non-toxic, non-magnetic, and non-sparkling, Aluminum in recent years has become the second-most consumed metal globally.


Although aluminum has been used for several years now in automobiles, its proportion in newer vehicles has increased steadily in recent years. The one factor where it has been scoring over steel is its lower density which makes it lighter than steel. Despite being lighter, aluminum is as strong as steel.

In an age where climate-change has become a cause for concern, fuel efficiency and carbon emission targets have become the norm the world over, and lighter fuel efficient vehicles, the favored customer choice. This is what is compelling the automobile industry to gravitate towards aluminum. Lighter fuel-efficient vehicles translate to lower fuel consumption, improved acceleration, better braking, and easier handling, supplemented by better fuel economy and significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions. According to a leading US consultancy, Ducker Worldwide, aluminum remains the fastest growing automotive material over competing materials and is entering its most unprecedented growth phases since the tracking of the shifting mix of automotive materials.

Despite the sudden shift towards aluminum, most car companies continue to rely heavily on steel which remains the dominant material in automobile manufacturing accounting for roughly 60% of the weight of an average automobile, making up the body frame, propeller shaft, seat frame, and exhaust tubes of modern cars. The reason for the continued dominance being that steel has the capability to withstand the extreme pressure generated by the car. Further it possesses exceptionally high torsional rigidity and is far cheaper than aluminum.


Among the most commonly used materials in the manufacturing industry, aluminum and steel share certain similarities in terms of appearance, but otherwise are different in many ways with own unique characteristics.

In what ways they are different is best summed up in the following ways.


Steel weighs more than aluminum as it’s stronger and more durable. Essentially 250% times denser than aluminum, steel is obviously heavier and due to its high density / weight, is less likely to bend under force or heat. On the other hand, Aluminum is extremely light-weight and half as dense as iron.

However, it is shape and structural rigidity that contributes to the strength of a structure. When it comes to that and when the two factors are optimized, aluminum is what provides similar reliability to a comparable steel structure at just half the weight. This means that aluminum made automobile can be built at a given strength that is two-thirds the weight of comparable steel built one. A good example of this are automakers like Tesla and Ford whose automobiles have aluminum bodies that translates the weight savings to the battery or payload capacity.

However some experts disagree. They point out that the body and chassis make-up half the weight of the average vehicle, and so material can make a huge difference in weight, stiffness, and strength of the vehicle. Herein, the tensile strength of steel is up-to 2,000 MPa (290,000psi) which is about four times stronger than the strongest aluminum alloys available today. The tensile strength difference means that aluminum parts need to enhance thickness to meet safety standards.

Automobile manufacturers will need to drastically reduce the weight of vehicles to meet the reduced fuel emissions criteria and GHG requirements. Herein, some automobile makers are gradually increasing the use of aluminum alloys as the first and main solution to make vehicles lighter. Likewise, some others are using advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) for their vehicles.

Overall, despite improvements, Steel still cannot compete with Aluminum when it comes to automobile light-weighting, especially in heavy passenger vehicles – SUVs and light trucks. Further, apart from a few critical areas pertaining to the safety of the passenger cabin (like longitudinal front, roofrail, and upper), an entire body-in-white from aluminum can be made. This will result in significant weight reductions and improved vehicle performance.

To be acceptable, it is extremely important, lightweight solutions need to be adopted into the vehicle design only if they do not compromise on quality, comfort, safety, or competitiveness.

The lightweight of the aluminum is still a work-in-progress that continues to be a hot topic in the automobile world and likely to do so through the next decade according to some experts.


When it comes to strength, Steel is the undisputed winner. Further it is harder than aluminum, despite being at risk for corrosion.

Though aluminum is also strong and increases its strength in colder environments, it is more prone to dents and scratches than steel. On the other hand, steel is less likely to warp or bend from weight, force, or heat, which is why it remains one of the most durable industrial materials. However, aluminum does not become brittle at low temperatures; in fact, the strength of aluminum increases when cold.

Despite factoring in strength attributes, some experts feel that aluminum-bodied vehicles are far safer than their steel counterparts. This is attributed to better energy absorption, larger crush zones that fold more predictably and larger overall size.

On the other hand, some experts affirm that the material does not matter as much as how the material is designed. A safe vehicle for that matter can be designed with other materials than steel, but overall it is a combination of materials and design that is vital for the automobile safety.

Even though the newer, higher-end vehicles like luxury vehicles are made from aluminum like Ford with its F-150 frames (manufacturer claims that the aluminum’s lightweight properties make it ideal for use in frames for it encourages greater fuel efficiency), the majority of cars and trucks on the road continue to feature steel frames for its stronger and more durable than aluminum.

Overall, it is still unclear whether the aluminum frames (aluminum can be as safe as steel, but at a higher cost) will take off strongly since steel continues to stay as the most dominant metal in automobile manufacturing, in the strength category.



Though aluminum can be easily recycled through advanced processes, steel continues to be the most recycled material in the world.

Further, steel recycling process is simpler. This is attributed to its ferrous property that allows for easy scrapyard sorting. Moreover all alloys of steel can be melted together and remixed to produce any alloy of steel. On the other hand, aluminum is costlier to recycle for it involves separation of different aluminum grades before melting in order to preserve the grades.


Aluminum is light-weight as well as extremely flexible, which means that it can flex under load and bounce back from the force of impacts. This makes it extremely easy to work with. On the other hand, steel is heavy and mostly inflexible which makes it difficult to work with. Even some grades of AHSS (advanced high-strength steel) can be challenging to work with, despite being known for higher yield and ductility than aluminum.

Though aluminum is lighter and flexible, there are many cases of notable automobile body designs that would not be possible with aluminum due to its lower ductility and lower elongation which are indications of formability; one such is Cadillac body design. Other example is that of GM (GENERAL MOTORS) body closure panels, which were designed for aluminum as they were of lower mass. Months later, they were replaced with steel due to cost factor, the mass was removed another way, either from the steel components or in other areas.

Chevrolet Silverado was predicted to follow in the footsteps of FORD F-150, but later the whole aluminum shift part of it was shelved and today it uses aluminum for only the swing panels, hood, doors, and tailgate.


Aluminum is extremely flexible, elastic, and malleable. It can be extruded either hot or cold and into any desired shape just by passing it through a die. Further, it can also be manipulated through bending and forming operations.

On the other hand, steel though extremely durable and resilient is also extremely rigid. This makes it susceptible to cracks or rips if pushed too far during the spinning process.


So as far as malleability factor goes, the advantage lies with aluminum for its excellent malleability and smooth fabrication allows it to form deep, intricate and precise spinnings. This in turn gives the handlers significant design freedom.


Aluminum is an excellent conductor of heat and elasticity. For instance, an aluminum conductor weighs around half the equivalent copper conductor with the same conductivity. Also, aluminum is a good reflector of both light and heat which steel is not.


Aluminum reacts with the oxygen in the air to form a microscopically thin layer of oxide; this layer is only 4 nano-metres thick but provides excellent protection against corrosion. Further, it even repairs itself if damaged.

Another added benefit is that aluminum oxidizes via the same type of chemical reaction that causes iron to rust. But unlike iron oxide, aluminum oxide sticks to the metal, shielding it from decay. As a result of this factor, aluminum does not require paint or other coating to keep it from rusting.

On the other hand, Steel typically needs to be painted after being spun in order to protect it from rust and corrosion. However there are certain types of rust-resistant steel, known as stainless steel that typically contain small concentrations of alloy metals like chromium to protect against corrosion.


The cost of aluminum and steel are constantly fluctuating based on global supply and demand, related fuel costs, and the iron and bauxite ore market.

Even with the fluctuations, a pound of steel is said to be cheaper than a pound of aluminum.


In the climate-change era, automakers the world over are compelled to compete under ever-tightening fuel economy and emission guidelines. Squeezed on both sides, the automakers are being pushed to manufacture lighter vehicles by efficiency guidelines while forced by safety guidelines to make stronger, stiffer, bigger vehicles. These factors in turn are driving automakers to use aluminum more than steel.

Newer grades of steel however can compete on mass reduction and outperform the other materials. The third generation of AHSS (advanced high-strength steel) having micro-structures on the scale of nano-metres (NANO STEEL) is smaller than those found in traditional steels. This allows it to provide the high-strength required by automotive engineers as well as significant ductility (the strongest available steels with the formability of mild steel). Overall, an AHSS that does not sacrifice on strength but offers high ductility would be ideal for reducing weight, whilst maintaining stiffness.

POINT however is that the automakers need to compete under ever-tightening fuel economy guidelines.

The future runs on the fact – the automobile manufacturers will need to persuade buyers that they are buying secure and more technically advanced vehicles compared to earlier models.

This is where that AHSS cannot compete successfully with aluminum alloys in the automotive industry for weight reduction reasons, especially in bigger vehicles category like SUVs, trucks, etc. Likewise, every aluminum intensive car and truck crash tested in the US has earned the highest 5-star safety rating. More importantly, consumers have expressed satisfaction in terms of its fuel economy as well as the overall performance, durability, and safety.

VERDICT is that tensile strength, ductility, and cost considerations will lead a vehicle’s body and exterior to stay heavily reliant on AHSS as well as aluminum alloys now and in the future. Likewise, semi-structural interior and power-train components will create more opportunities for magnesium and composites.

In general, the use of aluminum and other light materials will be predominant in heavy vehicles like pick-ups and SUVs. Likewise, AHSS is likely to stay dominant in light and small vehicles like VW Golf 7. Over the long term (beyond 2025), cars will most likely use a multi-material mix, combining varied types of AHSS steel, aluminum alloys, carbon fibre, magnesium, plastics, mild steel, and other materials, to achieve the weight, cost and performance targets.

On the whole, ONE thing will be clear – despite aluminum making big forays, no material will ever achieve the dominance that mild steel enjoyed in the past. The new category of steel in the offing – ‘NANO STEELS’ will in the near future likely compete with 7075 and 7049 aluminum alloys, in properties (specific tensile strength and ductility).

All said and done, the battle between the aluminum and steel will continue to go on.


If you’re looking to purchase aluminum components, then look no further than SBMI Group based out of Hyderabad, India; this Group diversified portfolio comprises segments ranging from aluminum / manganese components to fan manufacturing, and retail.

One of its division, Sri Balaji Metal Industries, is a leading high-performance; high-quality aluminum and magnesium ingot manufacturer (one of the biggest non-ferrous alloy manufacturers in SOUTH INDIA); it presently manufactures 35+ different grading GDC & PDC alloys.

The company’s magnesium die-cast casting components offer easy machinability, good thermal and electrical conductivity, thin-wall and complex parts applications, noise and vibration dampening, finishing, and above all, full recycling capability.

The company’s extensive portfolio of aluminum and magnesium components offers superior mechanical properties meets specific & stringent quality criteria requirements that caters to the overall customer-satisfaction. All the alloys undergo stringent quality checks to match the complex compositions & specifications of the customer.

There are two more divisions –

Sree Padmavati Metal Industries, which has one of the biggest aluminum dross processing unit (a one of a kind state of the art facility) processes aluminum dross and recover metal.

Gaglani Die Casting deals in High-Pressure Die Casting and aluminum pressure die cast components.

You can count on these companies to meet all of your aluminum metal requirements!!!!!


Few months back saw a flurry of announcements of new aluminum alloys developed by some of the biggest names in the aluminum industry like Constellium, Norsk Hydro, Alcoa, UC Rusal and so on. This was in response to the increasing demand for aluminum components by the auto industry which is gradually veering away from steel to aluminum. While it is often thought that the shift could be recent, the real story is that the auto industry has been for quite sometimes now evincing great interest in aluminum thanks to its excellent lightweight properties. Automakers were impressed with aluminum’s sound durability, superior corrosion-resistance, and also improved maintenance capabilities, thanks to new tools and techniques.

Aluminum however has been used in the auto industry practically from day one of the mass production of aluminum. In 1899, the full aluminum body car, DUNLOP Sports Car was showcased at an international exhibition in BERLIN. Then in 1901, the first aluminum engine (manufactured by the famous German inventor, Karl Benz) made its debut at a race in NICE, FRANCE.

Following World War-II, aluminum had become inexpensive enough to be considered for use in mass-produced vehicles. In 1961, the British LAND ROVER company produced V-8 engine blocks made with aluminum cylinders. From thereon, aluminum auto parts gained a greater foothold. First was in transmission castings and then onto cylinder heads and suspension joints.

In 1962, the legendary race driver Mickey Thompson drove a car powered by an aluminum engine in the Indianapolis 500 race and finished in record time. Since then, a lot of automakers improved on the basic aluminum engine design and used it in various mass produced and racing models, including the famous Formula-I race cars. The first high-powered interest in aluminum parts however surged after the famous oil crisis of the 1970s. Auto designers driven by the need for a fuel economy, then worked with lighter aluminum components replacing heavy steel parts to reduce the overall weight of their vehicles. In 1997, AUDI started production of aluminum body cars. The use of aluminum then reduced the weight of the then AUDI cars bodies by up-to 239 kg and repaid handsome dividends in the form of reduced fuel consumption.

Today, the infinitely recyclable metal aluminum is the leading material for use in power-train and wheel applications while continuing to gain greater share in vehicle hoods, trunks, doors, and bumpers and even complete vehicle structures.


Extremely malleable, ALUMINUM is the third most common metal in the Earth’s crust. It blends easily to make lightweight but strong alloys; is very light, conducts heat and electricity very well; and is non-magnetic. These properties make it ideal for a wide range of uses from construction to cooking utensils and above all, auto manufacturing.

The use of automotive aluminum has grown continuously for 40 years on the trot.
New-gen aluminum’s usage in autos and commercial vehicles has further accelerated its overall usage at a faster clip.

From mass-market vehicles like the Ford F-150 to luxury cars like Audi, Mercedes Benz, and Land Rover, aluminum is finding many takers, increasingly becoming the ‘material of choice’ for automakers predominantly for its light-weight, strength, and environmental advantages. Its usage extends from the vehicle frame and body to electrical wiring, lamps, paint, transmission, air conditioner condenser and pipes, engine parts (like pistons, radiator, cylinder head), and magnets (for speedometers, tachometers, and air-bags).

Today, aluminum is second only to steel as the most used material in vehicles.


Aluminum on average is 10 to 40% lighter than steel, depending on the product. It is this light-weight attribute that allows auto-makers to increase vehicle’s dent resistance and make the body panels thicker while still lowering weight. This has allowed the vehicles made from aluminum to generate better acceleration, braking, and handling while also enabling the vehicles to haul and tow more since the engine is not carrying unneeded weight. Furthermore, aluminum’s rigidity allows the vehicle drivers with more immediate and precise control.

Likewise, the super malleability of aluminum allows vehicle designers to engineer vehicle shapes in ways that is optimized for better performance.


Aluminum can provide a weight savings of up-to 50% compared with the traditional mild steel when applied to an optimized automotive body structure. Furthermore, the same structure will be equal or superior in strength to steel and more importantly will absorb twice as much of the crash-induced energy.

Also the same weight savings will allow other vehicle systems (like the engine, transmission, suspension, and wheels) to be downsized.


How safe is aluminum from steel can be estimated from the fact that it can absorb more than twice the energy in a crash than the equivalent weight of mild steel. Large crush zones can be designed without corresponding weight penalties.

More importantly, it can be used to enhance the size and energy absorption capacity of a vehicle’s front and back crumple zones thereby elevating the vehicle’s safety without in any way increasing its weight. Further, aluminum made vehicles need shorter distances in the event of likely collisions; this way it can help prevent collisions.


Vehicles made with aluminum components are less prone to rust and scratches which means less rust repair and an increased lifespan. This makes aluminum components an ideal choice for vehicles that are used in challenging environments, like those used by the military and in rallies.


Vehicles made from aluminum components can be 24% lighter than those made from steel components. This will help save 0.7 gallons of fuel per 100 miles, with a saving of 15% in fuel consumption, when compared to those from steel components made vehicles.

Similar fuel savings can be generated in hybrid, diesel, and electric vehicles made with aluminum components.

In addition to the above benefits, old automobiles made with aluminum components can at the end of their lifespan, recover 90% (more than a half-million tons a year) of the automotive aluminum scrap and get them recycled.

• Recycling 1 ton of aluminum scrap helps save an energy equivalent of 21 barrels of oil.
• Aluminum auto manufacturing gives a 20% smaller lifecycle CO2 footprint compared to those used by steel auto manufacturing.
• Replacing a fleet of steel vehicles with aluminum made vehicles can save 108 million barrels of crude oil and avoid 44 million tons of C02 emissions.


Aluminum is the future because it offers the fastest, safest, most environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to increase vehicle performance, boost vehicle fuel economy, and reduce vehicle emissions while at the same time maintaining or improving vehicle safety and durability.


Aluminum alloys will be a big thing ahead. The new generation aluminum alloys, though a long and arduous process, will be helped along by new-generation computer software that can calculate the effects of alloying elements and also predict the behavior of a certain alloy, based on their chemical composition and alloy improvement procedures after production.

What is more interesting is that the superior and improved aluminum alloys will likely stay as the main lightweight materials in vehicles. The only obstacle in the way would be their relatively high price compared to steel ones. But they will still be far more affordable than carbon-fibre reinforced plastics (CFRPs). Market analysts expect their prices to drop in the future with their greater use, new recycling procedures, and techniques as well as lower input costs.

Another likely deciding trend that is predicted to dominate aluminum alloys characteristics in the future for automotive OEMs is expected to be super-plastic forming. This process will enable aluminum manufacturers to produce thin-walled aluminum sheet components. Predicted to be extremely cost-effective, the process can stretch the aluminum sheet at over 200% above its original size whilst maintaining or even improving tensile strength. The aluminum industry is also likely to see the increasing presence of recycled scrap content in future aluminum alloys, used by the auto industry.


The future will also likely see aluminum sheet taking the place of other materials like steel for the vehicle’s exterior and hang-on parts. In addition, OEMs also affirm that the use of aluminum will increase for vehicle bonnets, fenders, and doors in next-generation of vehicles.

Cast aluminum will be another dynamic growth market. Complex cast parts with high machining depth will offer tremendous potential. Aluminum solutions will also find greater relevance in crash-relevant areas of the vehicle chassis for the future.

Overall, aluminum will continue to transform the auto industry in the future in many ways for it offers a better cost-benefit ratio than any other material. This will likely see aluminum and aluminum components manufacturers, processors, and vehicle makers collaborate more closely in the coming years to unlock further potential for the use of aluminum.



Looking ahead, the auto industry will be one of the biggest drivers of the aluminum material and process development. The push will be fuelled by increasing urbanization and threshold values for the fuel consumption of each automotive manufacturer’s range of vehicles which in turn will force automakers to come up with new concepts. As a result of these factors the demand for lightweight materials like aluminum will gather more steam.

On the other hand, the same factors supplemented by stringent demand from automakers for lightweight materials with excellent formability properties essential for sharp-edged automobile designs, will compel aluminum manufacturers to reduce aluminum’s sheet thickness while retaining high-strength value. This combined with good crash performance, sound ductility, and high stiffness levels, will be essential to satisfy the rigidity requirements of the vehicle chassis.

A report by ICRA research reveals that the share of the automobile industry in domestic aluminum consumption has seen a steady growth from 16% in 2008-2009 to around 32% in 2019-2020. ICRA’s report believes that vehicular weight reduction is a focus of the Indian automobile manufacturers to improve fuel efficiency. This in turn, would entail a higher per-unit usage of aluminum going forward.

The report also stresses that the increased demand from the auto industry can be met either through recycling of higher quantity of imported auto-grade scrap or production of primary auto grade alloyed aluminum.


Factoring in the current trends, market analysts believe that the auto industry offers the prospect of exponential growth for the aluminum industry. The demand and requirements for aluminum will continue to grow better by the day.

If you’re looking to purchase aluminum components, then look no further than SBMI Group based out of Hyderabad, India; this Group diversified portfolio comprises segments ranging from aluminum / manganese components to fan manufacturing, and retail.

One of its division, Sri Balaji Metal Industries, is a leading high-performance; high-quality aluminum and magnesium ingot manufacturer (one of the biggest non-ferrous alloy manufacturers in SOUTH INDIA); it presently manufactures 35+ different grading GDC & PDC alloys.


The company’s magnesium die-cast casting components offer easy machinability, good thermal and electrical conductivity, thin-wall and complex parts applications, noise and vibration dampening, finishing, and above all, full recycling capability.

Overall, the company’s extensive portfolio of aluminum and magnesium components offers superior mechanical properties that meet specific & stringent quality criteria requirements thereby catering to the overall customer-satisfaction. All the alloys undergo stringent quality checks to match the complex compositions & specifications of the customer.

There are two more divisions –

Sree Padmavati Metal Industries, which has one of the biggest aluminum dross processing unit (a one of a kind state-of-the-art facility) that processes aluminum dross and recover metal.

Gaglani Die Casting deals in High-Pressure Die Casting and aluminum pressure die cast components.

You can count on these companies to meet all of your aluminum metal requirements!!!!!